Create a Warranty Claim
Please fill out the form below in as much detail as possible.
We will only accept one claim per submission, submitting more than once may delay your claim being processed. Please allow 48 hours for a response. The Aftersales team are available Monday - Friday 9.30am-5pm.
This form can only be submitted by the person who purchased the vehicle, you can not claim on the behalf of someone else.
- I confirm I have read through the warranty information provided to me, including the terms and conditions on how to make a claim.
- I understand that the warranty covers me for up to 3 months or 3,000 miles whatever comes first. If I have exceeded 3,000 miles before the 3 months the warranty is no longer valid.
- I understand that I can use this form to report an issue however, it may not be a claimable issue.
- I understand it may take up to 48 hours to receive a response to this claim form, and not to report the issue again as this may delay the claim further.
- I understand that if I go ahead and undertake work without authorisation I am liable for the costs.